Ben finally got to meet Amanda's little girls and they are adorbs (although they caught their mother's impractical outfit gene because those sandals were not beach appropriate). He didn't seem freaked out right off the bat. Ben is obviously really comfortable around kids and he really honors that they're a huge part of Amanda. He knows that he will have to be the one to change and adapt to their lives if he is to continue a relationship with her. I'm pretty sure he was crying when Amanda ran up the beach to greet them. It could have been sand in his eye or allergies but I'm fairly certain they were real tears.
I don't think Amanda will be at the end of this but it's an important process for her to go through. It's opening her eyes to the importance of dating and finding a loving adult to connect with.
Ben is so incredible at talking. That's potentially a ridiculous thing to say but he is so confident and open. He never stumbles on his words or sounds like he's b-s'ing. Amanda's parents obviously had some serious concerns about Ben coming into the lives of these two little ones but Ben was really honest and didn't just tell them what they wanted to hear.
Knowing what Ben knows already about the limelight and the aftermath of being on a show like The Bachelor, he must consider how Amanda would be able to deal and cope with that. Sometimes I look back on Emily Maynard being a contestant and then The Bachelorette and wonder how she juggled being a single mom with being such a public figure. Amanda is also so so so young and has so much going on that I don't think she even wants to put herself through all of this.

Even Lauren's family is pretty low on the crazy family scale. I liked how protective but open her sister and dad were. They expressed their concerns but also trusted that Lauren really is falling in love and that she wants this.
The worst thing that happened was her dad calling her "LoLo". That's lamelame.
Lauren is the most ready for all of this. Her family is supportive, she has it together but not in a "I have to leave my 6-figure career for you and move to a remote farm where no one has all of their teeth way. She just likes him. And he likes her. And what more can you want in a relationship!?
As time goes on, I am liking Caila less and less. She has this weird ability to be too cutesy but also really intense. Every conversation is really deep and filled with big words but also a bit innocent and immature.
Her date with Ben pretty much showcased exactly that. I guess it's cool that your dad owns a toy factory but we never see a grown up or really serious side of Caila. Everything seems to be butterflies and rainbows and Ben isn't looking for that. Even though he is only 27, he has maturity and grounded qualities that are lacking in Caila.
It freaks me out when adults call their parents Mommy and Daddy. Caila's Daddy also freaks me out. I see where Caila gets her intense eye contact and inappropriately large vocabulary. You know when people use big words and lengthy analogies all the time just because they can? Or when you go to someone's house for dinner and the hosts try to engage you in really detailed conversation about Syrian politics?
Long story short, despite Ben being really attracted to Caila, he has so much more real chemistry with the other girls. There is so much more interest and variety in the personalities of Amanda, Lauren and JoJo. Speaking of JoJo...
I watch a lot of reality TV. I mean a.... lot. I've watched horrendous shows that I am not proud of. I like to think The Bachelor is one of the "top tier" programs. It's in its twentieth season, it has millions of viewers, etc. That whole flowers-and-letter-from-JoJo's-ex was too much. What was the point of all of that?! She seemed legit pissed and couldn't believe that was happening. I would like to think that, if I was on a show like The Bachelor, every guy I've ever batted an eyelash at would be super jealous and want me for themselves but don't put it on air! What a lamesauce move by production. I hated that.
JoJo's brothers were obviously taking whiskey shots before filming began. They were so over the top when JoJo came in. If you don't know the background behind her brother Ben, check out this site immediately- http://www.bustle.com/articles/144886-videos-of-jojos-brother-ben-patton-on-ready-for-love-make-him-look-like-a-hypocrite. What a doucher.
Overprotective older brothers make me so mad. They put Ben in such an uncomfortable position and it's the first time that we see him shut down. He was really flat and vague when talking to them. All of that being said, I think the brothers are right when they tell JoJo that Ben doesn't seem as invested as she is. How amazing was their mom when she was just drinking champ straight out of the bottle while the brothers were ranting in the kitchen?!
Being sent home immediately after hometowns is the ultimate diss. I would absolutely disown my family if a guy dumped me the night after meeting them. That being said, Amanda can't possibly be too crushed about Ben sending her home. She has an entire family waiting for her and she knew all along that Ben might not be into the whole "come be a stepdad!" life.
My prediction is that JoJo and Lauren will be final two. Other than Caila's perfect physical appearance, she won't be able to stand out against them. I'm so looking forward to seeing how this season will play out!!