The first part of the date is Rachel Zoe acting as a personal stylist for Becca. Rachel Zoe is super cool but looked like she wanted to die. Speaking of... I would die if this was my first date with a guy. How uncomfortable would it be to try on clothes for someone you just started dating?! Trying on clothes is already the worst but having a guy you like sit there and see you in each one would be horrible. There was not a moment of quality time spent between them. Why was she being showered with expensive clothes/shoes/jewelry? Becca and Arie only got to spend time together after she was completely high on dopamine and blinded by Loubouton studs. (Full disclosure: I had to google "red sole shoes" to be sure they were Loubouton's and find out how to actually spell "Loubouton").
Despite a weird date concept, Becca and Arie had a really natural connection. The worst part about being the first one-on-one is having to see all of the dates to come and deal with playing second fiddle for a while. Becca seems to have a confidence and maturity that a lot of the ladies don't. Hearing her speak about her dad's illness and death gave us a glimpse at how open her heart is and where her values lie.

I wasn't surprised to see Krystal get the second one-on-one date of the night. She is one of those people who makes a really memorable first impression. She certainly has an intensity about her that draws you in. I don't think we've seen an authentic and vulnerable side of Krystal yet.

My gut feeling is that Krystal puts so much time into helping others in an attempt to cover up some of her own pain and past experiences. She has had a rough life for sure but I worry that she hasn't had help and support for herself before pouring all of that energy into others. This process will be really difficult for Krystal and her insecurities are going to bubble up as Arie spends time with other girls.

The Bachelor has an unrivaled ability to come up with the worst group date ideas. Let's throw fifteen catty girls into an environment more competitive than merely vying for the love of the same guy. Take all of that and then asking them to crash into each other in motor vehicles during a demolition derby?

Does Bekah makes anyone else incredibly nervous?! I struggle to put my finger on exactly what makes me so uncomfortable. She doesn't strike me as disingenuous but she's a lot... Like... a lot a lot. Arie is obviously intrigued by her boldness and confidence but does she have the ability to tone it down? What is she like at home on a Sunday afternoon? I've been reading lots of speculation that Becca has the same appeal to Arie that Courtney Robinson had. Courtney was one of the most controversial gals to ever grace The Bachelor (which is saying something). Although Bekah seems like a nicer and more social contestant than Courtney was, they both have a similar level of intensity and mystique. They also may or may not have practically the same face...
At this point in "the game", the pre-rose ceremony cocktail hours are so charged and intense but the girls going home are typically those who have had no on-air time. No one is emotionally invested but the girls are typically exhausted, under-fed and over-served. This leads to the best exit interviews of all time. This week, the Best Exit award easily went to Jenna who told Arie she wasn't crying because she was upset about leaving him. She was upset about leaving her friends. Yes!!
I have a feeling Arie is going to do what has to be done this season. I can't see him keeping girls around just for the sake of it. He has the benefit of being a past contestant but also having years of distance between being on the show and coming back. I wasn't initially excited about this season, but Arie is growing on me and I'm definitely hooked early. Looking forward to watching along with you all! Please leave your thoughts and predictions below and follow along @midtowndiaries on Instagram.
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