Now hindsight is 20/20 and, believe you me, I was faaaaa-reaking out during the entire finale episode. I was so sure how all of this would end but watching Ben and the girls live through the decision making process was so stressful. At one point, two of my girlfriends and I were just sending each other selfies of our scared faces. One of us may or may not have been crying through the whole episode... I blame hormones.
Ben's opening monologue was the ultimate "What have I done?!" realization. Now he's worried he'll make a mistake and propose to the wrong girl?! ... uhhhhh... You know you told both of them you're in love and there's an entire camera crew with you and both girls will see this right!? There's no undoing that. It is literally archived for the rest of time. At that point, he was in for a world of hurt regardless of who he ended up with.

How much do we love Ben's parents?! They are so wonderful. They have a gentle nature but aren't shy about expressing concerns while respecting that this is Ben's decision. And check out Ben's dad's full head of hair! That's a great sign of things to come for future generations.
Mom was not buying this "in love with two girls" thing. That being said, both parents seemed very open to getting to know the ladies and gave Lauren and JoJo each a really fair shot.
Lauren is certainly the more polished and composed of the two women. Her chat with Ben's Mom impressed me. It is not easy for most to go to their future mother-in-law for relationship advice. She earned some serious points with me when she asked Mom about how she could help Ben through hard times. If I had a family member going as The Bachelor/ette or a contestant, I would be so concerned that the couple only gets to see the best in each other. Their relationships have been so short and the experience is intensified by outlandish dates, a production crew and the nature of competition. Being in a marriage or any kind of long term relationship is really hard work and learning how to get through the tough stuff is the most challenging, although rewarding, part.
When JoJo arrived at the Higgins' little vacation home, she handed Ben's mom an awkward little bouquet in a conch shell. "Let me just put these flowers next to the massive bouquet Lauren brought for us..." JoJo is a really nice girl and undoubtedly head over heels for Ben. The main factor for me swaying toward Lauren is that JoJo seems to be more wrapped up in the glamour of love. She talks about being with Ben like it's a fairy tale and this is her perfect love story. Lauren comes across as more of a giver and JoJo is all about how Ben makes her feel and what he gives to her.
After JoJo's visit, I really felt for Ben's poor poor mom. It took everything in her not to reach across the couch and shake him. She was trying so hard to keep it together and let Ben be a big boy and make his own decisions but I mean... she burst out laughing when Lauren said that Ben seems perfect... She knows Ben better than anyone and she remained so open and positive. You could just tell in her interview after the visits that she was really hurting for Ben.
I'm never mad at Chris Harrison but it was really annoying that, right before every commercial break, he tried to make it seem like Ben was going to get married right then and there on After the Final Rose. Ben's hometown pastor was really into that Bible...

Has anyone noticed that JoJo's parents could play Dr. Phil and his wife Robin on SNL? Twitter was going crazy with speculation when Lauren's entire family was shown but only JoJo's parents- no brothers. Personally, I assumed that it was really meaningful for Ben to have them as groomsmen since they hit it off so well at hometowns... not. Ben never wants to see those dudes again
As Ben tried to make up his mind as to who to propose to, one of his arguments for JoJo was that they had gone through really hard things together and withstood true relationship tests. Ummm... no- you really haven't. The most serious hardship they had to face was knowing what to do after a table fell over when a helicopter, which was there to fly them around Vegas, landed too close to them on a rooftop. That is not a hardship...
If I was Lauren during her last one-on-one date, I'd be panicking BIG time. Ben was so off and giving her nothing. He kissed her on the forehead about twenty times which is sweet if you're sitting around watching TV but not when you're a day away from getting either proposed to or dumped. When a guy starts a sentence by saying "No matter what happens...", it's a terrible terrible sign.
At this point in the episode, I was stress eating popcorn by the handful. I literally had more than ten pieces of it sitting in my tank top when I went to change for bed.

Ben was obviously putting his foot in his mouth BIG time. Now he's keeping quiet and not saying anything?! Last week he was confessing his love to any pretty girl that walked by and now he wants to worry about breaking hearts?!
Ben ended up completely friendzoning JoJo. I feel bad for her because there is no way I would want any guy to see me crying on a bathroom floor unless I was going to marry them. Some things are sacred and only for your girlfriends to see. If a man can make you feel better when you're blubbering with your forehead on a public toilet seat and then speak to you again, marry him. Trust me.

I hesitate to say that any massive diamond ring is ugly but Ben picked the worrrrrst one. I'm a bit of a purist when it comes to jewelry. I love my princess cut solitaire and wouldn't trade it for another piece of bling. The one he chose reminded me of a big college football ring. Both Lauren and JoJo are so girly that I wish he had something more dainty and pretty than big and in your face. All of that being said, Neil Lane seems like a really stand up guy!
The moments leading up to the first helicopter are excruciatingly thrilling to watch. I worry about Chris Harrison's hearing as he doesn't appear to have any protection for his ears and those helicopters come close! I could not look away from the television and, although I was so positive Lauren would be "the one", there was a moment when I believed that JoJo could pull through.

As JoJo approached, I knew from the look in his eye that he was about to let her go. After he gave his speech, I honestly wish, on JoJo's behalf, that a trap door opened up below her and just made her disappear. #devastation I can't imagine standing there across from the man you are in love with and hear the dreaded "...but...". She really kept it together and, although clearly devastated, she made an incredibly graceful, though tearful, exit. Look at her though- she looked stun-ning!

So that's it! Season is over, Lauren and Ben will get married and stay that way forever and JoJo is The Bachelorette! Everyone wins. Will you be watching JoJo find love in the Fall? What are your thoughts on Ben's final pick? Thanks for following along and keep your eye out for non-Bachelor posts between now and JoJo's season!
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