My apologies for being a few days behind on posting this Bachelor blog but I started watching "Making a Murderer" and... well... need I say more?
My prediction going into this week was that Amanda (the mom) would get the one-on-one date or at least a group date rose. I was torn between believing that Lace is actually a crazy person or perhaps she just got caught up in the excitement (and wine) of the first night. Either way, Ben didn't seem too into her and I thought we'd see a tearful, mascara-running goodbye from Lace at the end of week two.
Let me get this straight... Ben's staying at the Four Seasons?? Did ABC's lease run out on his mansion next door to the girls? Maybe that was actually Chris Harrison's family home and the Bachelors were bunking with him throughout the season. Did Chris lose it in the divorce? Speaking of... does anyone know if Chris Harrison is dating?
Ben was so excited to go back to high school for the group date. He talked about how it was the best time of his life and what great memories he has there. I can guarantee you that at least 95% of the women on that date had horrible experiences in high school. Being a teenager is rough and I don't know many people who think back to their time as a 15-18 year old and remember it as a high point. The mini competitions between the girls were fun and probably let Ben see who kept their cool, who got along with one another, etc. Mandi was the overall winner of the competition but there didn't seem to be much of a prize except for a 300m ride in a convertible...

**Note: This is not the soft, light Jubilee

"Don't kiss and tell" is a rule for a reason, ladies. If "your" man is dating 20 other girls and he kisses you, he's probably kissing at least 10 of your housemates. If you've run off to make out with Ben in his hotel room, none of the other girls want to hear about it. I would find it very difficult to balance friendships within the house knowing that everyone is ultimately trying to marry the same person. Could you really come home from a one-on-one date and dish all the deets to your newest gal pals? Probably not. Being a Bachelor social media stalker, I see evidence of lots of strong friendships built between the past contestants but I wonder how they put the rivalries aside.

Last week, I let you in on my disdain for twin twists and when former Bachelor contestants are brought back for "on more shot at love". This week, I was reminded of something I hate even more than those two things- movie/TV show promos!! If I had a one-on-one date and found out someone would be following us around making jokes the whole time, I'd leave. None of those white girls even know who Ice Cube is. Wait... was that Ice Cube or Ice T?? See- my point exactly. At least he and Kevin Hart were there were nice to poor Caila. Last year, Kimmel was such a prick during Kaitlin's date with Chris.
Ben is so refreshing to watch (and listen to) after Chris' season of mumbles, stammers and not being able to communicate with women at all. Caila is a great listener and seemed to really hear Ben and bring out a vulnerable side in him during dinner. Amos Lee showed up to serenade the couple and he is so great! How awkward for him though. It would be so weird standing on a stage with a full production/camera/light/sound crew just waiting for them to walk in...

Amanda decided the time was right to tell Ben about her daughters. "Kids don't scare me. It's not something I've done before but they don't scare me." So sweet!! I thought I was going to die when, before the rose ceremony, Ben had a crafting station set up to make barrettes for the girls.
The whole Olivia shtick is going to wear off soon. Ben will see through it soon. She's just... a lot. She's obnoxious and not really that nice or interesting. There is obviously physical chemistry (as the Love Lab proved) but Ben's not connecting with her like he is with some of the other girls. And that mouth...

Question- Did L.B. chose her nickname or was it automatically assigned to her when "Lauren B." was taken? It doesn't really matter because she chose to leave this week but I am curious...
I'm worried about the girls who are on the quieter side this season. The majority of the girls seem really sweet and kind. If Ben's "type" is Kaitlin from the Bachelorette, the women with the louder, more outgoing personalities certainly have an advantage. I hope he gets to spend more quality time with girls like Amanda, Lauren H,, Lauren B. and Leah.
What are your thoughts and predictions?? Comment below or tweet @midtowndiaries.
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