
Friday, January 18, 2013

Well that wasn't on my Bucket List...

I've never created a before-I-turn-30 Bucket List but if I had, there are two things that I would not have put on it.

1) go back to school
2) work toward becoming a Tea Sommelier

But, alas, I am George Brown College's newest student and, on Monday, I will start an eight-course certificate program to become a certified Tea Sommelier.  

I've developed a really keen interest in food and drink through my own experimentation and the exploration of the blogging world.  T had suggested that I try to find an evening course on social media or blogging.  He came across the Continuing Education courses in Hospitality & Culinary Arts at George Brown and the Tea Sommelier certification jumped out at me right away.  Artisan Bread Baking was a close second.

Although I'm not jumping ship on my current career to run off into the tea gardens and will only be going to class at night, I'm excited to dabble in something just because it interests me.  

I think it's completely weird and out there and I have no idea what to expect but I'm putting myself out there into the tea-iverse to try something new.  The class is either going to be filled with Queen West hipsters or 70 year olds.  

Now excuse me while I go buy Staples out of coil notebooks and new pens.  What am I going to wear on my first day?!?  Geeky cool?  Artsy fartsy?  Modern hippy?  

By the way, you're all getting tea for your birthday, Christmas and any other gift-giving occasion. 

Tweet me!  @darbyvt

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