
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm a (wo)man of simple pleasures...

Lately, in my attempt to be a better me, I've been focusing on making some changes to my everyday life.  The changes that I thought would make the most difference in my mood, energy levels and overall well being is getting a gym membership and making a conscious effort to eat better.  I'm really surprised at how much I've taken to going to the gym.  Most days now, I actually crave getting over there and burning off some steam.

My biggest obstacle is the nutrition side of things.  I enjoy incorporating more fruits and vegetables into my diet and haven't missed my large portions of pasta... and garlic bread... and chips... at all (okay... maybe a little bit).  One thing that could stand in my way of maintaining a better diet is my lack of food knowledge and creativity to add a lot of variety to my meals.  Spinach salad is getting a bit old.  I also think I may not be eating enough calories.  Eat more?!  Yes please!

I plan my meals for the week before I go grocery shopping but I rarely account for snacks or good lunches.  Working from home is great because I'm not tempted to grab something quick and greasy on the run but I'm often left standing with the refrigerator door open wondering what I can throw together to get me through the rest of my day plus an after-work workout.  Any helpful recipes or websites from my nutrition smart friends would be much appreciated.

On a not-overly-nutritious but very-delicious note, I had a successful "try something new" outing over the weekend and it inspired me.  I was going to a BBQ on Sunday night and wanted to take just a couple of drinks with me (I was the driver).  I visited my neighbourhood liquor store and noticed how many specialty beers are around in the summer time from small breweries all over the province.  I looked for the most interesting looking bottle and bought it.  Huge success.  My choice was Summer Weiss from Muskoka Brewery .

So go indulge in a simple pleasure this week.  Whether that's adding some fresh veggies to your meal or picking the prettiest bottle in the liquor store- do something kind for yourself.  And listen to this feel-good summer song reminding us all to enjoy the simple things.

Follow me on Twitter:  darbyvt

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Try everything that ever made you wonder...

Maybe it's the spirit of the Olympics or the exciting things going on around with my friends lately (shout out to those with new jobs, babies, husbands/wives, houses, etc!) but I think I'm slowly starting to get into this new go-get-'em mind set.  This week, I've found myself correcting my own negative thoughts and really trying to focus on all of the good.  By interrupting the negativity, I'm worrying less, feeling more calm and have more positive energy throughout the day.

In my last post, I talked about three things I wanted to work on- Saying "yes" more, conquering fears and being nicer.  All week, I've been keeping these goals in mind and have tried to seek out some new things to try.

Originally, when I vowed to say "yes!" more, I pictured wild adventures and risk taking.  Although I hope that some great stories come out of saying "yes", this week showed me that saying "no" to one thing can be saying "yes" to another.  Passing up a night of going out with friends because I need a quiet night at home is saying a huge "yes" to my needs.  In this case, it wasn't due to laziness or a lack of wanting to hang out.  It was just a need of my space and time.  But that also opened up a "yes" opportunity to get up early on Sunday morning and go for breakfast with my brother and his girlfriend which I am rarely able to do since I would have been hiding under the covers all day.  All in all, a positive "no but actually yes" scenario.

I have also been talking some time to unwind a bit in the evenings with a pot of tea, a candle and a book.  Right now I'm reading Half Blood Blues by Canadian Esi Edugyan.  My candle of the moment is Bahama Fizz from Bath & Body works and my tea is Birthday Cake from Davids Tea.

Lots of things intimidate and scare me in this world and I have the tendency to back away when things get tough. I've been eyeing the gym across the street for a year now and finally seized the day and got myself a membership.  I had an awesome trainer show me around and give me a bit of a workout routine and it's amazing how quickly I've started to see positive changes in my energy level.  I've even found myself loving spin class which may or may not have anything to do with the fact that my instructor looks and acts like Jef from Emily's season of the Bachelorette...  He told me I had great form and I almost fell off the bike.  But anywhoo...  The exercise has really been a motivator to pay a bit more attention to what I'm eating and start working on a healthier balance when it comes to meals.  On that note, I purchased a bag of Bacon Ranch popcorn from Popcorn Indiana (  Don't do it.  Nasty, nasty stuff.

Aside from the everyday holding the door open and please-and-thank-you's, my be nice highlight of the week was in my own apartment building.  There is an elderly man who lives on my floor.  He's known as a bit of a Chatty Calvin.  If you make eye contact or say hello, you're stuck talking to him for days.  Last time I said hello, he brought pictures of his deceased wife out of his wallet and told me all about their life together.  I typically avoid him when I'm coming and going from the building.  I saw him on a park bench outside the other day and, although everything in me told me to keep on walking, I stopped and said hello.  He simply smiled, said "Nice day!" and I was off and on my way.  I feel bad for dissing the poor guy.  I look forward to stopping to chat with him a bit more next time.

The long weekend is approaching and I look forward to more opportunities to challenge myself continue to strive for positive changes.  I encourage you to do the same.  I'd love to hear all of your comments and ideas below.

Until next time,

Follow me @darbvt

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