
Thursday, December 4, 2014

A guide to a successful Secret Santa at work

I'm brand spanking new to this 9 to 5, Monday to Friday work life.  I've spent the past six years in a job where I am living out of a suitcase 5 months out of the year and working from home a third of the way across the country from my place of employment for the rest of the time.  Although I loved the independence of setting my own schedule, I felt like I was missing out on the fun of having colleagues and feeling connected to my work place.

So finally, here I am in a job that I physically leave my house to go to everyday.  I'm slowly figuring out the who's who, who's married to whom, who's not talking to whom and who signs my expense cheques.  There is a social committee at work and they coordinate all kinds of fun activities from a Survivor Pool to a staff room Friday snack club.

With the holidays approaching, the emails and sign-up sheets are starting to pile up.  Who is bringing a spouse to the Holiday Party?  Do the girls in the office want to have a get-together without the guys?  My personal fav- who wants to be a part of Secret Santa?

As a new employee, Secret Santa can be a bit daunting.  I barely know these people!  What are their hobbies?  Are they allergic to anything?  Does $20 budget really mean $20 or should I splurge a bit?  Remember when Michael Scott bought an iPod for Ryan on Season 2 of The Office?

Luckily, I'm clearly not the only one with a "what do I get the grumpy guy who never talks to anyone" problem.  Check out this Essential Holiday Gift-Giving Guide from Hubspot with some great suggestions on what to get everyone or anyone at the office.

Do you have any great at-work gift giving ideas?  Join the conversation on Twitter @midtowndiaries or share on Instagram #secretsanta

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are the best secret santa! And I'm loving the new look on the blog btw!

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